Select Research Publications and Presentations
Jessop AB, Bass SB, Brajuha J, Alhajji M, Burke M, Gashat MT, Wellington C, Ventriglia N, Coleman J, D’Avanzo PD. Take Charge, Get Cured”: Pilot testing a mHealth treatment decision support tool for methadone patients with Hepatitis C Virus for acceptability and promise of efficacy. Journal of Substance Abuse Research. (Submitted April, 2019 – under review)
Clancy M, Jessop, AB, Eisen H. (2019) Assessment of pre-operative psychosocial function among people receiving left ventricular assist devices: A national survey of US LVAD programs. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care. Volume 48, Issue 4, pages 302-307.
Jessop AB, Bass SB, Guttierez M, Gashat MT. Perceptions of barriers and benefits of HCV treatment and correlates to treatment intention in methadone users. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved (Accepted. In press, scheduled for November 2019 issue)
Bass, SB, Jessop, A, Gashat, M, Maurer, L, Al Hajji, M, Forry, J. (2018) Take Charge, Get Cured: The development and user testing of a culturally tailored mHealth decision tool on HCV treatment initiation for methadone patients. Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 101, Issue 11, Pages 1995-2004.
Jessop AB, Manjelevskaia J, Gashat MT, Klaiman T. (2018) Family practice providers’ perspectives on clinical practice guidelines and recommendations for Hepatitis C screening of baby boomers. Health and Primary Care. 2(4):1-5.
Bass, SB, Jessop, A, Maurer, L, Gashat, M, Al Hajji, M, Guiterrez, M. (2017) Mapping the barriers and facilitators of HCV treatment initiation in methadone maintenance therapy patients: Implications for intervention development. Journal of Health Communication. Volume 23, Issue 1, pages 117-127.
Jessop AB, Hom J, Burke M. (2017) Variation in the Viral Hepatitis and HIV Testing Policies and Practices of Methadone Maintenance Programs. Journal of Addiction Medicine. Volume 11, issue 3, pages 191-196.
Simoncini G, Jessop AB. (2017) Hepatitis C Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Health Care Workers: Qualitative Analysis of Policies among Philadelphia’s Large Teaching Institutions. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Volume 38, issue 2, pages 246–248.
Jessop, AB, Bass, SB, Gutierrez, M, Gashat, M. (2016) Perceptions of HCV treatment and correlates to initiation willingness in HCV+ methadone clients. Hepatology, Volume 63, supplement 1, page 111.
Manjelevskaia J. Jessop AB. (2015) A qualitative assessment of factors impacting adoption and implementation of USPSTF age-based Hepatitis C Virus screening guidelines. Abstract: Hepatology 62 (1 Supplement):482a.
imoncini G, Jessop AB. (2016) Hepatitis C Post-Exposure Prophylaxis for Health Care Workers: Qualitative Analysis of Policies among Philadelphia’s Large Teaching Institutions. Presentation at 2016 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Jessop A, Manjievskia J, Klaiman T. (2015) A qualitative assessment of factors impacting adoption and implementation of USPSTF age-based Hepatitis C. Abstract Hepatology 2015 62(1):482A. Presentation AASLD Liver Meeting 2015
Jessop AB, Klaiman T, Mazzelli S, Benitez J, Lipman K, Richardson S. Medical care experiences of people who use drugs: Considerations for development of accessible services. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2015
Shirrefs A, Trooskin SB, Jessop AB. Assessment of Process and Impacts of Hepatitis C Allies of Philadelphia. Presentation Association of Prevention Teaching and Research Annual Meeting 2015.
Cohen C, Jessop AB, Chen D; Dwivedi P, Lum R. Using Hepatitis B as a service learning model for medical and public health students. Presentation Association of Prevention Teaching and Research Annual Meeting 2015
Hedden E, Jessop AB, Field RI. (2014) An education in contrast: State-by-state assessment of school immunization records requirements. American Journal of Public Health. Vol. 104, No. 10, pp. 19932001.
Jessop AB, Del Buono F, Solomon G, Rogers J, Mullen-Fortino M. (2014) Police exposure to infectious agents: an audit of protective policies. Occupational Medicine. 64(7): 546-548.
Ramirez M, Jessop AB, Leader A (2014) Acceptability of the HPV Vaccine Among Diverse Hispanic Mothers and Grandmothers: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Hispanic Healthcare International. 12 (1)
Cohen CA, Kuan-Lung DC, Jessop AB. (2013) Innovative prevention and wellness efforts to address chronic hepatitis B in African immigrant communities in Philadelphia: Lessons from a pilot community program. Presentation: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Fall 2013.
Jessop AB, Klaiman T. (2013) Expanding perspective of prevention in medically-assisted substance use treatment administrators. Presentation: Association of Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR) 2013.
Jessop AB, DelBuono F, Solomon G. (2012) Viral hepatitis screening and vaccination in Pennsylvania police departments. Presentation: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Proviano N, Muccitelli M. (2012) Reaching the “Hard to Reach” adult through vaccination. Presentation: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Dumas H, Moser C. (2013) Influenza Vaccination of high-risk adults: influence of subspeciality physicians in Philadelphia, PA. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2013; 28(3): 232-237.
Hedden E, Jessop AB, Field RI. (2012) Childhood immunization reporting laws in the United States: Current status. Vaccine, 2012;30(49):7059-66.
Hedden E, Jessop AB, Field RI. (2012) Childhood Immunization Information System Exchange with Payers: State and Federal Policies. Journal of Managed Care Medicine. 2012;15(3): 11-18.
Jessop AB, Proviano N, Burke M, Kowalczyk M, Horwitz B. (2012) HCV Care Coordination: Impact on GI Fellows Training and Future Practice. HepDART Conference.
Hedden, E, Jessop AB, Field R. (2011) Mapping State and Federal Immunization Records Policies. Presentation: CDC National Immunization Conference (NIC).
Hedden, E, Jessop A, Field R. (2011) Immunization Records Policies- implications for stakeholders. Presentation: International Society Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes (ISPOR).
Jessop, AB. (2010) Person-Centered Partnership within the Recovery-Centered Paradigm. Presentation, ASAP (Alcohol and Substance Use Providers Association).
Jessop AB, Ahn, M. (2010) Viral hepatitis epidemiology and screening policies and practices. Presentation: AASLD (American Association for the Study of Liver Disease)- The Liver Meeting.
Jessop AB, Ahn, M. (2010) Viral hepatitis epidemiology and screening policies and practices. Abstract: Hepatology. 52(S1):1292A–1340A.
Jessop AB, Micheli A. (2010) Viral hepatitis screening policies and practices in methadone maintenance centers. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Proviano N, Burke M, Purayidathil FW, Zaveri V, Horwitz B. (2010) Patient and care profiles of under-insured hepatitis C patients in an inner city clinic setting. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Ahn M, Kekere-ekun K. (2010) Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in medically assisted treatment programs. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Dumas H., Moser C. (2010) Influenza immunization of high-risk adults: Current trends in specialty care offices. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Burke M. (2010) Barriers to Viral Hepatitis Treatment for At-Risk Groups: Impact of Policies and Practices. Abstract: Hepatology 54(2) Supp. Presented at AASLD (Association for the Study of Liver Disease) The Liver Meeting.
Jessop AB, Purayidathil FW. (2009) Client/Provider communication and provider office environment: Impacts on hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV risk assessment. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Cushman K, Wells J, Burke M, Muccitelli J. (2008) Collaborating to develop a disease prevention program for a hard-to-reach population. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, 2008.
Jessop AB, Burke M. (2007) Barriers to Viral Hepatitis Treatment in Specialty Practice. Abstract: Hepatology. Volume 46, Issue S1, October 2007, Pages: 822A–901A. Presented at AASLD- Liver Meeting 2007.
Jessop AB, Watson B, Mazur R, Andrel J. (2005) Assesment of screening, treatment, and prevention of perinatal infections in the Philadelphia birth cohort. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2005; 20: 253261.
Jessop AB, Cohen C, Burke M, Conti M. (2004) Hepatitis support groups: Meeting the information and emotional needs of hepatitis patients. Gastroenterology Nursing 2004; 27(4):163-169.
Jessop AB, Watson B, Tagore S, Mazar R, Andrel JA. (2004) Compliance with CDC/ACOG standards of care for perinatal screenings in Philadelphia birthing hospitals. Presentation: ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Andrel J, Hauser N, Wenner, D. (2004) Institutional Factors associated with ADL decline in PA nursing homes. Presentation: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting.
Jessop AB, Cohen C, Burke M, Taylor L, and Black M. (2003) Hepatitis support groups: Meeting the information and emotional needs of hepatitis patients. Presentation: National Hepatitis Coordinators Conference.